Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Blogging Dumb Theology

Today I came across a very funny (and poignant) comic by artist and blogger Rob Woodrum http://soulsurfer.wordpress.com

This comic made me laugh and sigh, concurrently. I realize that blogging is a little self-absorbed and can come across as super-pious. Still, I love writing my thoughts on faith and life and the crap that we all deal with.

As Rob's comic so hilariously illustrates, I'm also well aware that blogging can be dangerous territory. You might offend someone. You might draw fire. You might spur difficult discussion.

It's also ironic to me that I blog about my Christian faith, because I realize how little we all know about God. I mean, sure, we have the Bible and centuries of religious tradition. But hundreds of different denominational viewpoints all lead me to this conclusion: We've got dumb theology. We don't really know as much as we think we do. We try to make sense of contradicting Bible passages and use a lot of phrases like, "Well I just feel that God wants me to be happy and so I'm doing this thing blah blah blah." There are some people that think God gives us temptations in order to test our faith. Others think Satan is the king of temptations. Anyway, it's all dumb theology. But I mean that in the nicest way. I mean that I'm dumb when it comes to understanding the fullness of God. And so are you. So I'll try to always write with that realization firmly in my dumb mind.

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