At the risk of sounding utterly cliché, I wanted to write about my daughter's first Christmas and what a joy she is to my wife and me. Presents under the tree are always fun, especially because our family lives on a Dave Ramsey budget that doesn't usually allow for unnecessary extravagances each month. Christmas is when we stock up on entertainment and goodies for the year. We don't have cable, either, so a brand-new season of a favorite t.v. show is received with much gratitude. As fun as these presents are, my daughter, Lydia, is the best gift I could ever receive. To see her smile is a joy that stays with me throughout the day. To see her crawl and make new discoveries fills me with pleasure. Whether she's banging on a pot or pan, grabbing at a yet-to-be-opened Christmas gift, or chewing on a toy block, she's a wonder to behold.
Throughout the year, there are so many things that we can complain and squabble about. It's refreshing to look at a baby and be reminded of simplicity and grace. That's really what this season is about, right? A baby who came and changed everything, just like any new baby does to its parents. Nothing's the same anymore. Everything a parent does now revolves around that child and his or her schedule. A baby requires lots of love and attention. Some changes that a baby causes are hard: long, sleep-deprived nights, fussy mealtimes, constant attention and care. A baby is supposed to change our lives. Sometimes those changes are difficult to adjust to, but the reward is ultimately a lifetime of love. Whether a parent or not, it's nice to remember how a baby is supposed to pervade our life and change us from within.