Beautiful, fleeting moments — those moments that are a snapshot of a time in their first year — fly by so quickly that you have to document almost everything. That's why parents take a zillion photos of their baby. That's why every parent has a "baby book." That's probably why I'm writing this blog. These beautiful, little moments come and go so quickly and we want them to hang around a little while longer. For example, I remember not too long ago when my daughter could barely sit up, and I would place her on my chest as I lay on the bed. Fast-forward just a mere three to four weeks and she's on the brink of crawling. Now when she sits on my chest, she's moving all over the place, wanting to crawl right off of me. I miss the days when she sat contently on my chest. Where did those days run off to?
I look at pictures of my daughter from just two to three months ago. She hardly resembles the growing, animated little girl that I see every day. Just three months ago my wife and I couldn't have imagined getting through a single day without the help of Lydia's pacifiers. Now her own fingers do the trick quite nicely and the pacies have been retired to a drawer full of clothes that she's also quickly outgrowing. Right now Lydia babbles all day long and it's adorable. I know I'll miss those babbles in a few months when they slowly become words. One of the most special moments between my daughter and I has been when I'm able to place her in a baby carrier that straps over my shoulders. She's able to rest against my chest while still exploring the world around her. I use this carrier most often in the grocery store and have enjoyed carrying her this way for months. Sadly, Lydia is getting heavier by the week and I'm sensing the nearing cessation of this great baby-bonding accessory.
Each moment of her first year has been something very special. I've enjoyed seeing her grow from a tiny infant who hardly opened her eyes to a cute, little baby who wants to play all day long. It just never ceases to amaze me how quickly these little moments come and then how quickly they leave, only to make room for the next beautiful moment. Each of these stages are unique and so very precious, and though I love each new one, I can't help but miss the moment that just passed.