Sunday, July 27, 2008

Final Thoughts

If I were a musician, I would end my album with a "Final Thoughts" track. It wouldn't be a song; it would probably be me on the mic, spouting off some quick thoughts to tickle the listener's brain. On that note, here are some text "Final Thoughts."

• Sometimes I wish people would take their poor attitude for a walk in the woods and let it get lost out there.

• As hard as I try not to sin, I will always fall short of God's glory.

• Complaining is fun, but it sure stinks to be on the receiving end of it.

• Our attitude is one of the most important choices we will ever make.

• Save up a lot of money over your lifetime and be willing to give it all away when you're old.

• Life is not easy and it's not fair, either. Accept it and move on.

• It's usually best to just keep your mouth shut. It'll keep you out of trouble with man and with God.

• Love other people. Accept other people. Don't judge other people.

• Though the above is easier said than done, we should all strive to that end.

• Smile at someone today.

• Work hard.

• Be friendly to people.

• Cell phones were a great idea – now they just seem to be a social crutch.

• Life is better with a soundtrack.

• I gave up cable TV and don't think I'm really missing much.

• I'm almost 30 years old – does that make me too old for MySpace?

• I don't have all the answers.

• Forget the "Lifeboat Theory"; We all have value in this world.

• Johnny Cash was the man.

• The Internet is one of the greatest inventions mankind has ever developed. It's too bad there's so much bad crap on it.

• Forgive others and allow yourself to be forgiven, too.

Let's keep this blog going; feel free to respond and add your "final thoughts."